Sweet Leftovers: Birthday Cake Bread Pudding Recipe for Serious Eats

When you have over 30 birthday cakes, you've got to do something with the leftovers. And you can only eat so much Birthday Cake French Toast.

Having found myself in such a situation following my recent 30th birthday party, I decided to get creative with the leftovers. Naturally, on the list was employing a trusted bread pudding recipe, but swapping leftover birthday cake for the called-for carbohydrate.

This makes for a deliciously buttery, buttercream-studded variety of bread pudding, soft and sweet in the middle, and punctuated by sweet, crunchy bits of frosting on top, which reached a semi-caramelized state during the baking process. Happy post-birthday, indeed.

For the full entry and recipe, visit Serious Eats!