Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links!

New Card!

I'm selling ALL of my old card styles! Buy them while they still last! I will have one more sale when I clean out my storage unit in July, but I can't guarantee how many cards I will have then. 

Curious about baking with spelt? Here's a very informative article.

Key lime cheesecake cookies? The lime makes it healthy.

How to make your own brown sugar!

I'm obsessed with the Whole Foods chocolate mousse recipe.

Tips for freezing whipped cream.

Helpful if you're a heathen at the table: dessert etiquette.

I would like to get to know Salzburger Nockerl better.

A historical look at Angel Food Cake.

Pear and honey custard tart. Yumsies.

Bittersweet to hear of DailyCandy closing their doors. They were the first company to hire me as a freelance writer. I consider my time writing for them very formative.

A review: La Boulange pastries at Starbucks.

Sweet memories: Velveeta Fudge!

A primer on gluten-free flours for baking.

It made me so happy to read that this "desserts in moderation" article tells you to run like hell from fat free stuff (I am paraphrasing, of course).

Book of the week: 

Repast: Dining Out at the Dawn of the New American Century, 1900-1910. I can't put down this book about dining out in the early 1900s. It's fascinating to read about the foodies from the age before Julia Child, Craig Claiborne, and Ruth Reichl. Of particular interest is reading about how restaurants prided themselves on being innovators, both with recipes and with technology. If you're interested in the history of food, this is a must-read.