Twice as Nice: Two Books about Pie

Pie Books

Now, this is a truly great moment in life. Right now, recipes by me are featured in not one but two books about pie.

I'm very happy about this, because I consider both of these books worthy of purchase--and not just because of my presence. Although that doesn't hurt, of course.

A Year of Pies

First is A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies by Ashley English. This beautiful book features pie for all seasons of the year. It includes recipes which reverently reflect seasonal produce...and then my recipe, for Saltwater Taffy Pie.

A Year of Pies

Hey, I'm here to make it FUN! Joking aside, it's a fantastic book and ideal for creating pies that really will make your year far awesomer. 


Next is Pieography: Where Pie Meets Biography-42 Fabulous Recipes Inspired by 39 Extraordinary Women by Jo Packham of Where Women Cook. This book poses an interesting question: "what does your life look like in a pie?".


Well, me and several other female food writers and bloggery types contributed with an essay and a recipe. Mine is a particularly lovely essay about the fleeting and beautiful nature of life and a delightful "Frisbee" pie that you toss and let the pieces shatter, deliciously, as they may.

Other recipes include Blueberry Ginger Pie, White Chocolate Buttermilk Pie with Warm Raspberry Sauce (OMG), and more. It's a sweet read.

Buy the books here:

A Year of Pies: A Seasonal Tour of Home Baked Pies

Pieography: Where Pie Meets Biography-42 Fabulous Recipes Inspired by 39 Extraordinary Women