Upcoming Sweetness: Birthday Week Extravaganza!

 Guess what, sweeties?

Next week (thursday, the 26th, to be exact) is the birthday of CakeSpy founder and Head Spy Jessie! And in typical over-the-top sweet fashion, there will be much celebration and sugar.

Birthday Cake a Day at CakeSpy Shop!

There will be a birthday cake each day at the store next week, Tuesday (the 24th) through Sunday (the 29th)! (closed Monday). What flavors will they be? See for yourself--come and have a slice and say happy birthday! It will be on a first come, first-served basis, so be sure to come by and get your sugar fix while you shop! 


Since I feel for you poor souls who aren't able to be in Seattle for aforementioned sugarfest, I will be doing an online giveaway every other day next week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Stay tuned! Of course, in the meantime, don't forget to enter this giveaway!

Capitol Hill Summer Sale!

CakeSpy Shop will be participating in the sweetest summer sale in Seattle! Here's the 411:

Come visit Capitol Hill for our huge Summer Sale Thursday, August 26th through Sunday August 29th.  You will find deals, sales and events all weekend long up and down Pike, Pine and Broadway in the heart of Capitol Hill!  Capitol Hill has everything you need for a picnic in the park; shopping for the whole family; breakfast, lunch and dinner; dancing lessons; yoga classes; adult toys; night life fun and more!  Be sure to attend the kick off Mobile City party on Thursday night and then plan on coming back all weekend to walk around Capitol Hill during our Summer Sale and get great deals on everything you need, just a few block away.

This sale will also be a great opportunity to donate to Northwest Harvest--a donation bin for non-perishable food goods will be at CakeSpy Shop!

CakeSpy Shop will be offering offering 10% off all purchases $50 or over for the big sale. This offer is good only by mentioning the sale, and is only valid Thursday through Sunday in the retail shop.

Here's to a super sweet upcoming week!